
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Rainbow Jell-O!

I made rainbow Jello!
Rainbow Jello! (Photo credit: RainMama)

Jello is the perfect desert for summer (and autumn, winter, and spring). But why just have plain jello? Why not try your hand at this eye-catching rainbow method! It's surprisingly easy!

Here's the simplest (and in my opinion, the nicest-looking) way to do this:

Step 1: Get a baking pan if you want jello like the photo above OR use plastic cups for individual servings. You could also use a bunt cake pan for a jello like this one.

Step 2. Get the JELLO in the colors you want. For the rainbow theme, you'll need one package each of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple.

Step 3: Start with the purple (or blue, if you just want the basic colors) gelatin, and follow the directions on the box. Pour some of the prepared gelatin into your container, making sure to leave room for the other colors.

Step 4: Let the first color sit in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.

Step 5. Repeat Steps 3 & 4 for each color.

If you have leftover JELLO and are in the mood for something truly fun, try this brilliant idea of making orange wedge Jello!

Rainbow Jello Oranges
The recipe is actually pretty easy, but here is a step by step tutorial with pictures if you need them. Just halve 3 oranges and hollow them out (with a juice or a spoon), and pour a different color of gelatin into each hollow orange peel. Let them set in the fridge overnight (you want to be sure they get firm enough to keep their shape), and then simply cut them into wedges! Wouldn't this look great on a picnic table or at a party?

Speaking of parties, maybe you're looking for something a little more... grown up?

If you want something a little more fancy... Try this pretty recipe from Glorious Treats.

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